MOM WTF Part 1

 Maria(38) the mother who was now in Alan's body was having sex with Alan's girlfriend. "MOM, WTF are you doing", said Alan (19) completely shocked as to what was going on. Alan had invited his girlfriend over for a hangout and just as they started kissing Alan found hmself in his mom's body in her office. 

Maria was actually a bisexual who liked Alan's girlfriend and wanted to makeout with her but it wasn't possible just because she also loved her son and didn't wanted to betray him. So she casted a spell and now she was in his body having her way with his girlfriend. "Mom fucking pull out right now". But it was too late she just had came in her tight pink pussy. Much to their suprise the spell was now sealed and Alan and Maria were stuck in their bodies pretending to be mom and son.

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