
This hot person you see in the image below is no other than Dylan(18), he was approached by this young female doctor named Dina(27). Well, Dina just didn't wanted to be a doctor but family pressure compelled her to become one, then one day she stumbled upon a spell online which can shift you into any person who you want. 

Dylan was a regular visitor at Dina's clinic, sometimes he would just visit her clinic just for the sake of seeing Dina. Dina took notice of this and she asked Dylan for help. When Dylan bring the horny teenager he was quickly agreed. 

Dylan came from a very rich family, and Dina wanted to milk this opportunity, Dylan was literally born with a golden spoon. Dina told Dylan that he would become Dina for the rest of his life. Dylan was more than eager. Dina casted the switching spell and she could feel her soul leaving her body and entering Dylan's. 

To make things more easier for Dylan, Dina casted another spell which gave Dylan all her knowledge and memories. 

And as you can see Dylan is out here enjoying his life as a very sexy young doctor. And Dina on the other hand is doing everything she couldn't do in her life.

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